An IUC Partner Programme consists of many aspects and activities. The smooth running of the Partner Programme and the implementation of all activities require a large amount of follow-up and support actions linked to financial and administrative issues. The Programme Support Unit (PSU) is therefore set up within the Partner Programme to coordinate all activities.The PSU is situated in the VLIR-IUC office in the main administrative building of AdeKUS.
It is headed by the local coordinator (Henry Ori) and managed daily by the programme manager (Ranoe Mangal) assisted by administrative and financial staff (Anthea Rokadji and Regine Pawirosonto).
The Programme Support Unit is responsible for the correct and timely implementation of all six projects of the IUC Partner Programme, together with the project leaders and their teams.The programme manager together with the administrative and financial staff members provide secretarial, logistical, administrative and financial services, and facilitate local administrative procedures and processes for the project leaders.
The project leaders formulate and implement their projects as planned and within the approved budget on time. This is of course done together with both project teams. The local and Flemish steering committees consist of the appropriate coordinator and project leaders together with the supporting staff and meet individually on a regular basis. The progress and possible changes to the programme are discussed during these meetings.
Once a year, there is also a Joint Steering Committee composed of both coordinators, all project leaders, programme manager, ICOS, VLIR-UOS programme officer and DGDCrepresentative.
During the period August – October 2009 efforts were put in to prepare an Annual Report for AP 2008 and the planning for AP2010.
The Programme Support Unit has undergone some changes at the administrative level.
Ms. R. Yhap resigned and mrs. Anthea Rokadji joined the PSU on October 6th, 2009. She has been appointed as the course secretary for the SMNR study.
Our Team