Master in Education and Research for Sustainable Development (MERSD)


The Faculty of Social Sciences of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS), in collaboration with the Flemish Inter-university Council (VLIR), presents a two-year Master course in Education and Research for Sustainable Development (MERSD) starting from November 1, 2010. Sustainable Development is a concept that, in our efforts to achieve prosperity and well-being, to meet our basic needs, and to experience our fun- damental freedom, aims at providing us with the instruments to ensure that we take into account the natural environ- ment and cultural identity so that they can be sustained for future generations. Sustainable development requires an integrated improvement of economic development, social develop- ment and careful use of our planet. Sus- tainable development takes into account long-term developments and the conse- quences of our actions. Many social is- sues in Suriname need a sustainable approach, and for each policy commit- ment, this becomes a specific challenge. Education enables us to understand our- selves and others. Education also ena- bles us to see and understand the rela- tionships between the natural and social environment in a larger context. Educa- tion for Sustainable Development (ESD) is designed to persuade us to adopt an attitude and habits that will enable us to establish a prosperous life without being deprived of our basic needs. It is educa- tion for the sustainability of the society, of the country and the world. It fosters and strengthens a continuously lasting change in the individual, the society, the culture and the environment.

Our mission within the MERSD program is to produce scientists who are capable of making a significant contribution to the transformation of Suriname into a sus- tainable community that focuses on: peo- ple, profit (now: prosperity) and planet by equipping students with competences by which they can develop their knowledge, skills, experiences and attitude, and at the same time, develop methods and techniques for scientific research in the field of economics, civic participation and community development.

Contact Us

  • ANTON DE KOM UNIVERSITEIT VAN SURINAME Universiteitscomplex, Leysweg 86 P.O.Box : 9212
  • (597) 465558 ext. 219 / 220 
    Fax:(597) 462291


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